111 Skin | 111Skin 冰萃冻龄冷疗零度能量双效面膜 30ml
30 ml
沁凉舒润紧致V脸 咖啡因,紧致提亮成分,消除浮肿,减少脂质积累,紧致脸部肌肤 葡糖基橙皮苷,促进循环,减少水肿,对抗黑色素沉着,重现红润肤色 多肽,抗糖抗氧成分,温和高活性成分,激活细胞,增强肌肤光泽和光滑度 强效活性成分 覆盆子酮 改善肌肤血液循环,增强肌肤毛细血管弹性,促进细胞再生。 乙酰四肽-5 抑制肌肤糖化作用,帮助表皮再生,赋予肌肤白嫩紧致肤感。 生育酚 强抗氧化功效,有效对抗老化过程。舒缓镇定肌 尿囊素 镇定舒缓成分,疗愈功能的同时,可以去角质,令肌肤更光滑。 使用方法 Step1 清洁皮肤后,取下两侧保护膜上的面膜(本面膜含有三层,先摘除左右两层保护膜,取出中间一层),败于面部 Step2 静置20 分钟后,取下面膜 Step3 用手拍干精华液,全脸瞬间紧致,秒现上镜V脸 Cool your complexion with the 111SKIN Sub Zero De-Puffing Energy Mask Single. Founded by a plastic surgeon and fuelled by science, this innovative skincare brand uses ground-breaking ingredients to deliver real results. Inspired by the Cryo chambers, the Sub-Zero collection strives to energise the skin, using cooling ingredients to freshen the visage. Simultaneously energising and calming, this powerful technology soothes puffiness and cools irritation, clarifying the complexion. Refreshing tired skin, this revitalising mask tightens the complexion for a more youthful appearance. Enriched with a powerful Tetrapeptide complex, the formula enhances the skin’s elasticity, plumping the skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Next, a unique Nonapeptide energises the skin, restoring radiance and luminosity. Charged by a powerful blend of ingredients, the mask encourages increased circulation, hydrating the complexion and combatting dullness. Made with a cool hydrogel base, the mask leaves the skin refreshed and revitalised, treating the face to a luxurious experience. Suitable for all skin types, the mask transforms the visage, reducing the appearance of pores, dark circles and pigmentation for a more even tone and texture. Suitable for all skin types.
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    111 Skin | 111Skin 冰萃冻龄冷疗零度能量双效面膜 30ml 塑料

    111 Skin | 111Skin 冰萃冻龄冷疗零度能量双效面膜 30ml 塑料

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    沁凉舒润紧致V脸 咖啡因,紧致提亮成分,消除浮肿,减少脂质积累,紧致脸部肌肤 葡糖基橙皮苷,促进循环,减少水肿,对抗黑色素沉着,重现红润肤色 多肽,抗糖抗氧成分,温和高活性成分,激活细胞,增强肌肤光泽和光滑度 强效活性成分 覆盆子酮 改善肌肤血液循环,增强肌肤毛细血管弹性,促进细胞再生。 乙酰四肽-5 抑制肌肤糖化作用,帮助表皮再生,赋予肌肤白嫩紧致肤感。 生育酚 强抗氧化功效,有效对抗老化过程。舒缓镇定肌 尿囊素 镇定舒缓成分,疗愈功能的同时,可以去角质,令肌肤更光滑。 使用方法 Step1 清洁皮肤后,取下两侧保护膜上的面膜(本面膜含有三层,先摘除左右两层保护膜,取出中间一层),败于面部 Step2 静置20 分钟后,取下面膜 Step3 用手拍干精华液,全脸瞬间紧致,秒现上镜V脸 Cool your complexion with the 111SKIN Sub Zero De-Puffing Energy Mask Single. Founded by a plastic surgeon and fuelled by science, this innovative skincare brand uses ground-breaking ingredients to deliver real results. Inspired by the Cryo chambers, the Sub-Zero collection strives to energise the skin, using cooling ingredients to freshen the visage. Simultaneously energising and calming, this powerful technology soothes puffiness and cools irritation, clarifying the complexion. Refreshing tired skin, this revitalising mask tightens the complexion for a more youthful appearance. Enriched with a powerful Tetrapeptide complex, the formula enhances the skin’s elasticity, plumping the skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Next, a unique Nonapeptide energises the skin, restoring radiance and luminosity. Charged by a powerful blend of ingredients, the mask encourages increased circulation, hydrating the complexion and combatting dullness. Made with a cool hydrogel base, the mask leaves the skin refreshed and revitalised, treating the face to a luxurious experience. Suitable for all skin types, the mask transforms the visage, reducing the appearance of pores, dark circles and pigmentation for a more even tone and texture. Suitable for all skin types.
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