

Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml

温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 Vitabiotics 维百莱 Wellbaby婴幼儿维生素口服液为婴幼儿提供均衡补充。 作为孕期保健胶囊的专业制造者,口服液是婴儿和3个月至5岁幼儿的理想补品,为其提供均衡补充。口服液富含14种基础维生素和矿物质,更富含了瑞士高山麦芽,带有橘子和香草的味道,十分可口。你的宝贝一定会爱上这种味道! 口服液富含维生素A、C和D,适用于超过6个月大的婴儿。英国卫生署建议在所有孩子6个月的时候适当补充一些维生素。 口服液营养丰富,能为孩子们提供成长过程中所必需的营养物质,能促进孩子们的身体发育,其中包括骨骼、肌肉、血液和大脑发育。口服液含有丰富的维生素D,是孩子成长及骨骼发育所需的基础营养物质,而其富含的铁更能促进孩子们的认知发展。 你的孩子应当每天饮用500ml(或称1品脱)的幼儿口服液,因为口服液含有丰富的维生素。 什么是认知发展? 仔细观察你的新生儿,你可以很清楚地看发现他/她从婴儿到幼儿再到儿童成长过程中的身高和体重变化。然而,你很难看到他/她大脑内部的变化,即使它一直都在正忙着成长发育和开发。从你的宝贝来到这个世界的那一刻起,他环顾四周,并以惊人的速度学习和认知身边的一切。 随着时间的推移,你的宝宝的大脑会发展感知、思维、记忆、语言和身体协调能力。在这个过程中,你的宝宝逐渐学习的这些技能被称为认知发展。 你的孩子要服用口服液的更多原因: -配方基于最新的科学研究,富含安心的营养物,符合婴幼儿成长之需。 -口服液达到生产质量管理规范高标准高质量。更带有美味的麦芽和天然的橙味和香草味,你的小家伙一定会喜欢的。 -不含任何人工色素、香料或甜味剂。 -不含乳糖、盐、酒精、脂肪或酵母。 -没有拿动物测试过。 过敏建议: 含有大麦麸质,来自坚果成分的售卖处。 -不含人工甜味剂、人工色素或香味。 -不含酒精或乳糖。 -不含脂肪、盐或酵母。 -没有拿动物测试过。 -达到生产质量管理规范高标准高质量。 使用方法: 婴儿(从3至6个月):每日2.5毫升(1 / 2茶匙)。 婴儿(7个月至5岁):每日5ml(1茶匙)。 不要食用超过推荐量。 餐后服用。不要超过推荐摄入量。清洗并擦干汤匙后使用(不是蒸汽消毒)。口服液含有独家配方,是婴幼儿的理想饮品。如果瓶盖上的密封破损请不要使用,一旦打开,请在3个月内使用。使用前摇晃口服液。 Carefully balanced supplement for babies & infants. From the makers of Pregnacare, Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid is ideal for babies and young children from 3 months to 5 years to provide a carefully balanced, comprehensive range of 14 essential vitamins and minerals. Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid also contains Swiss Alpine malt; with a delicious orange and vanilla taste your little one will love. Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid includes vitamins A, C and D, as recommended for babies over 6 months. The UK Department of Health recommends that all babies aged from six months onwards should be given a supplement that contains these vitamins.† Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid provides an ideal nutritional safeguard during a time when babies and infants have a high nutrient requirement in relation to body size, to support their rapid physical growth and development of bones, muscles, blood and the brain. Key nutrients include vitamin D which is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children, plus iron which contributes to normal cognitive development. †Unless your child is drinking 500ml (or approx. 1 pint) of infant formula a day, as infant formula has vitamins added to it. What is cognitive development? It's easy to keep an eye on your newborn and observe the changes in weight and size as he or she grows from baby to toddler to young infant and child. However, it's not so easy to see what's happening inside the brain, but all the while it is busy developing. Right from your baby's arrival in the world, he's looking around and learning at an incredible pace. Over time, your baby's brain will develop the skills of perception, thought, memory, language and physical co-ordination and this process by which your baby gradually learns these skills is called cognitive development. More reasons for your child to take Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid: - Formula based on the very latest scientific research, with safe nutrient levels carefully selected for the specific needs of growing babies. - Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid is produced to high GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards of quality control. - Delicious malt and natural orange and vanilla flavour your little one will love. - Does not contain any artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. - Does not contain lactose, salt, alcohol, fat or yeast. - Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid has not been tested on animals. Allergy Advice: Contains Gluten (from Barley). Produced at a site that may handle nut ingredients. - No artificial sweeteners, colours or flavours. - No alcohol or lactose. - No fat, salt or yeast. - Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid has not been tested on animals. - Produced to high GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards of quality control.
商品Vitabiotics|Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml,价格¥69,第3张图片详细描述
Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml 商品
Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml 商品
Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml 商品
Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml 商品

    Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml

    Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml

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    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 Vitabiotics 维百莱 Wellbaby婴幼儿维生素口服液为婴幼儿提供均衡补充。 作为孕期保健胶囊的专业制造者,口服液是婴儿和3个月至5岁幼儿的理想补品,为其提供均衡补充。口服液富含14种基础维生素和矿物质,更富含了瑞士高山麦芽,带有橘子和香草的味道,十分可口。你的宝贝一定会爱上这种味道! 口服液富含维生素A、C和D,适用于超过6个月大的婴儿。英国卫生署建议在所有孩子6个月的时候适当补充一些维生素。 口服液营养丰富,能为孩子们提供成长过程中所必需的营养物质,能促进孩子们的身体发育,其中包括骨骼、肌肉、血液和大脑发育。口服液含有丰富的维生素D,是孩子成长及骨骼发育所需的基础营养物质,而其富含的铁更能促进孩子们的认知发展。 你的孩子应当每天饮用500ml(或称1品脱)的幼儿口服液,因为口服液含有丰富的维生素。 什么是认知发展? 仔细观察你的新生儿,你可以很清楚地看发现他/她从婴儿到幼儿再到儿童成长过程中的身高和体重变化。然而,你很难看到他/她大脑内部的变化,即使它一直都在正忙着成长发育和开发。从你的宝贝来到这个世界的那一刻起,他环顾四周,并以惊人的速度学习和认知身边的一切。 随着时间的推移,你的宝宝的大脑会发展感知、思维、记忆、语言和身体协调能力。在这个过程中,你的宝宝逐渐学习的这些技能被称为认知发展。 你的孩子要服用口服液的更多原因: -配方基于最新的科学研究,富含安心的营养物,符合婴幼儿成长之需。 -口服液达到生产质量管理规范高标准高质量。更带有美味的麦芽和天然的橙味和香草味,你的小家伙一定会喜欢的。 -不含任何人工色素、香料或甜味剂。 -不含乳糖、盐、酒精、脂肪或酵母。 -没有拿动物测试过。 过敏建议: 含有大麦麸质,来自坚果成分的售卖处。 -不含人工甜味剂、人工色素或香味。 -不含酒精或乳糖。 -不含脂肪、盐或酵母。 -没有拿动物测试过。 -达到生产质量管理规范高标准高质量。 使用方法: 婴儿(从3至6个月):每日2.5毫升(1 / 2茶匙)。 婴儿(7个月至5岁):每日5ml(1茶匙)。 不要食用超过推荐量。 餐后服用。不要超过推荐摄入量。清洗并擦干汤匙后使用(不是蒸汽消毒)。口服液含有独家配方,是婴幼儿的理想饮品。如果瓶盖上的密封破损请不要使用,一旦打开,请在3个月内使用。使用前摇晃口服液。 Carefully balanced supplement for babies & infants. From the makers of Pregnacare, Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid is ideal for babies and young children from 3 months to 5 years to provide a carefully balanced, comprehensive range of 14 essential vitamins and minerals. Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid also contains Swiss Alpine malt; with a delicious orange and vanilla taste your little one will love. Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid includes vitamins A, C and D, as recommended for babies over 6 months. The UK Department of Health recommends that all babies aged from six months onwards should be given a supplement that contains these vitamins.† Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid provides an ideal nutritional safeguard during a time when babies and infants have a high nutrient requirement in relation to body size, to support their rapid physical growth and development of bones, muscles, blood and the brain. Key nutrients include vitamin D which is needed for normal growth and development of bone in children, plus iron which contributes to normal cognitive development. †Unless your child is drinking 500ml (or approx. 1 pint) of infant formula a day, as infant formula has vitamins added to it. What is cognitive development? It's easy to keep an eye on your newborn and observe the changes in weight and size as he or she grows from baby to toddler to young infant and child. However, it's not so easy to see what's happening inside the brain, but all the while it is busy developing. Right from your baby's arrival in the world, he's looking around and learning at an incredible pace. Over time, your baby's brain will develop the skills of perception, thought, memory, language and physical co-ordination and this process by which your baby gradually learns these skills is called cognitive development. More reasons for your child to take Vitabiotics Wellkid Baby & Infant Vitamin & Mineral Liquid: - Formula based on the very latest scientific research, with safe nutrient levels carefully selected for the specific needs of growing babies. - Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid is produced to high GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards of quality control. - Delicious malt and natural orange and vanilla flavour your little one will love. - Does not contain any artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners. - Does not contain lactose, salt, alcohol, fat or yeast. - Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid has not been tested on animals. Allergy Advice: Contains Gluten (from Barley). Produced at a site that may handle nut ingredients. - No artificial sweeteners, colours or flavours. - No alcohol or lactose. - No fat, salt or yeast. - Wellkid Baby & Infant Liquid has not been tested on animals. - Produced to high GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) standards of quality control.
    商品Vitabiotics|Vitabiotics 维百莱 婴幼儿多维营养液 150ml,价格¥69 描述




