


GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml

温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 GEHWOL 洁沃 滋养抗菌润甲护甲油 15ml 如果指甲周围的皮肤干燥和指甲开裂,破碎,GEHWOL护甲油可以很好的保护指甲。除了含有防止真菌感染克霉唑,它还含有丰富的小麦胚芽油,泛醇,甜没药,保养皮肤和指甲。 它可以令脆而易碎的指甲恢复弹性和美丽,并散发自然的柔和光泽。 GEHWOL润甲护甲油是液体状态,即使在象甲皱地区,也特别容易渗透和渗入皮肤。 GEHWOL润甲护甲油里的革新成分能轻松和有效缓解大多数手和脚上和灰指甲。 有效成分:小麦胚芽油,泛醇,甜没药和克霉唑。 经皮肤测试。 方向:取本品涂抹于需要的地方,一天两次。 If the skin around the nails is dry and the nails are cracked and broken, GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil is ideal. Besides protecting against fungal infections with clotrimazole, it offers a rich treatment of wheat germ oil, panthenol, and Bisabolol to care for the skin and the nails. Brittle and fragile nails regain elasticity and beauty and receive a natural silky sheen. The liquid state of GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil penetrates particularly easily even in areas like the nail fold and soaks into the skin easily. GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil easily and effectively treats most athlete's foot and nail fungus on hands and feet with an innovative application process that reaches even the nail bed. Active ingredients: Wheat germ oil, panthenol, Bisabolol and clotrimazole. Dermatologically tested. Directions: Apply GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil to damaged areas twice a day.
商品GEHWOL|GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml,价格¥93,第3张图片详细描述
GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml 商品
GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml 商品

    GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml

    GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml

  • 价格¥93$12.55
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    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 GEHWOL 洁沃 滋养抗菌润甲护甲油 15ml 如果指甲周围的皮肤干燥和指甲开裂,破碎,GEHWOL护甲油可以很好的保护指甲。除了含有防止真菌感染克霉唑,它还含有丰富的小麦胚芽油,泛醇,甜没药,保养皮肤和指甲。 它可以令脆而易碎的指甲恢复弹性和美丽,并散发自然的柔和光泽。 GEHWOL润甲护甲油是液体状态,即使在象甲皱地区,也特别容易渗透和渗入皮肤。 GEHWOL润甲护甲油里的革新成分能轻松和有效缓解大多数手和脚上和灰指甲。 有效成分:小麦胚芽油,泛醇,甜没药和克霉唑。 经皮肤测试。 方向:取本品涂抹于需要的地方,一天两次。 If the skin around the nails is dry and the nails are cracked and broken, GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil is ideal. Besides protecting against fungal infections with clotrimazole, it offers a rich treatment of wheat germ oil, panthenol, and Bisabolol to care for the skin and the nails. Brittle and fragile nails regain elasticity and beauty and receive a natural silky sheen. The liquid state of GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil penetrates particularly easily even in areas like the nail fold and soaks into the skin easily. GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil easily and effectively treats most athlete's foot and nail fungus on hands and feet with an innovative application process that reaches even the nail bed. Active ingredients: Wheat germ oil, panthenol, Bisabolol and clotrimazole. Dermatologically tested. Directions: Apply GEHWOL Protective Nail and Skin Oil to damaged areas twice a day.
    商品GEHWOL|GEHWOL 洁沃 润甲护甲油 15ml,价格¥93 描述




