

Filorga | FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳 30ml

温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳,提拉紧致肌肤,平滑皱纹,细化毛孔。 ○ 规格:30ml ○ 品牌:FILORGA 菲洛嘉 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 三维多糖在皮肤表面形成一层紧致薄膜,瞬间平滑细纹; ○ 光学模糊成分能细化毛孔和皮肤纹理; ○ 透明质酸为肌肤补充水分,持久保湿。 主要成分 MAIN COMPONENTS ○ 透明质酸 ○ NCTF ○ 胶原蛋白 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR ○ 适合所有类型。 使用方法 HOW TO USE ○ 在上妆前,均匀涂抹于面部肌肤。 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 请严格按照说明使用; ○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用; ○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方; ○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处; ○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 FILORGA Time Flash, the express smoothing active primer. All the FILORGA expertise in anti-ageing aesthetic medicine in a double action smoothing primer . FLASH SMOOTHING : This technology ensures FLASH smoothing for wrinkles without feelings of discomfort or tightness. This FLASH action is complemented with multi-correction for wrinkles for a complete treatment. - Lift action: Three-dimensional polysaccharides form a tightening film on the skin surface to instantly smooth fine lines. - Blur action: Optical blurring ingredients smooth wrinkles, pores and skin texture. SMOOTHING THAT LASTS : Active ingredients inspired by aesthetic medicine. - Surface wrinkles: Gluconolactone, a peeling-like active ingredient to resurface the skin. - Contraction wrinkles: Hexapeptide, a botox-like active ingredient to relax expression lines - Dry skin wrinkles: Hyaluronic acid booster to capture water at the heart of the tissue. - Wrinkles caused by sagging: Collagen + NCTF booster to tone and add density to the skin’s support layers. Directions: Apply after your usual daily skincare to the entire face or targeted areas. Excellent make-up base. Can also be used for touch-ups during the day for a beauty lift in a flash.
商品Filorga|FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳 30ml,价格¥419,第3张图片详细描述
FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳 30ml 商品

    Filorga | FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳 30ml

    Filorga | FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳 30ml

  • 价格¥419$56.10
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    • 英国商家
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    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
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    温馨提示 WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消费者造成任何伤害的使用期限”。保质期默认为开盖后12~24个月内使用,包装上一般有此类图标。如消费者对产品保质期过于在意,以批次查询方式主张产品过期的,请谨慎下单,给您造成不好的购物体验请见谅。 产品介绍 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳,提拉紧致肌肤,平滑皱纹,细化毛孔。 ○ 规格:30ml ○ 品牌:FILORGA 菲洛嘉 功能概述 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW ○ 三维多糖在皮肤表面形成一层紧致薄膜,瞬间平滑细纹; ○ 光学模糊成分能细化毛孔和皮肤纹理; ○ 透明质酸为肌肤补充水分,持久保湿。 主要成分 MAIN COMPONENTS ○ 透明质酸 ○ NCTF ○ 胶原蛋白 适用人群 SUITABLE FOR ○ 适合所有类型。 使用方法 HOW TO USE ○ 在上妆前,均匀涂抹于面部肌肤。 注意事项 ATTENTION ○ 请严格按照说明使用; ○ 避免触及眼睛,切勿食用; ○ 请勿将其放置在儿童可触及的地方; ○ 请存放于避光、干燥、不高于25摄氏度处; ○ 如产品不慎入眼,请立即用大量清水冲洗干净。 FILORGA Time Flash, the express smoothing active primer. All the FILORGA expertise in anti-ageing aesthetic medicine in a double action smoothing primer . FLASH SMOOTHING : This technology ensures FLASH smoothing for wrinkles without feelings of discomfort or tightness. This FLASH action is complemented with multi-correction for wrinkles for a complete treatment. - Lift action: Three-dimensional polysaccharides form a tightening film on the skin surface to instantly smooth fine lines. - Blur action: Optical blurring ingredients smooth wrinkles, pores and skin texture. SMOOTHING THAT LASTS : Active ingredients inspired by aesthetic medicine. - Surface wrinkles: Gluconolactone, a peeling-like active ingredient to resurface the skin. - Contraction wrinkles: Hexapeptide, a botox-like active ingredient to relax expression lines - Dry skin wrinkles: Hyaluronic acid booster to capture water at the heart of the tissue. - Wrinkles caused by sagging: Collagen + NCTF booster to tone and add density to the skin’s support layers. Directions: Apply after your usual daily skincare to the entire face or targeted areas. Excellent make-up base. Can also be used for touch-ups during the day for a beauty lift in a flash.
    商品Filorga|FILORGA 菲洛嘉 焕龄时光妆前乳 30ml,价格¥419 描述




