Gnarly Performance Greens is whole food nutrition for active individuals. Greens provide all the essential micronutrients for optimal performance, energy and recovery benefits. What you wont find in Performance Greens are proprietary blends (which can obscure whats actually in a product!). With Gnarly Performance Greens, you can expect full transparency when it comes to the ingredients we use and how much of each is in our product. You may find other brands touting a huge number of ingredients but then, interestingly, they dont tell you how much of each ingredient is actually in the product. Gnarly Performance Greens contains effective doses of whole food ingredients that are meaningful for athletes: Beet root, tart cherry and pomegranate for blood flow; Cordyceps and Ginseng for energy, Reishi for immune support and Turmeric for recovery. When it comes to taste, youve got to compare apples to apples, but were pretty damn sure that Gnarly Performance Greens puts the competition to shame.