Campers, hikers, and those just hoping to navigate rainy days will want these dual 1 oz water purifiers close at hand. Aquamira takes a tried and true formula and packages it into one conveniently travel-sized essential. Chlorine Dioxide water treatment involves the release of nascent oxygen, a powerful oxidant, and germicidal agent. This same formula has killed waterborne pathogens in municipal water treatment plants since the 1940s, under the scrutiny of EPA regulations. Protozoan cysts such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, the likes of which are responsible for over 80% of waterborne illnesses, are eliminated by the chlorine dioxide generated by Aquamira Water Treatment drops upon making contact with your water source. Chemical elements such as iodine fail to do the same. You will not have to worry about discolored water or an unpleasant taste. If anything, users can expect an enhanced taste upon application.