Highlights: Two 1 fl oz. hydrating hyaluronic acid serums Hydrating serum absorbs quickly Oil-free, non-comedogenic formula
Serum instantly absorbs to quench skin and deliver high hydration levels Contains hyaluronic acid, a hydrating compound that is found naturally in skin Hyaluronic acid can absorb up to 1,000 times its weight in water Unique formula helps you achieve a fully hydrated complexion that stays smooth and supple Serum addresses the dryness to deliver hydration for skin that glows Hydrating formula is both oil-free and non-comedogenic, so it won’t clog pores Product Disclaimer: Product pages contain information provided by third-party sellers and other content providers. Despite our best efforts to make sure that information is accurate, we don’t guarantee it, and images, descriptions, specifications, or other attributes may be incomplete, out of date, unreliable or miscategorized. Before you buy, use or consume a product, you should always review nutritional, ingredient and allergen information and any warnings or instructions. We don’t guarantee the accuracy of nutritional labels or any other information on product packaging. Shipping Info Standard - 4 to 10 business days Ship Info Warranty This product is covered by the Sam's Club Member Satisfaction Guarantee. Component country USA Assembled country USA