仙丽施Cellex-C|Hydra 5 B-Complex
Let your skin reap the benefits of hyaluronic acid which penetrates beneath the skin's surface for maximal moisturization. Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex is most effective when used after serum and eye contour gel, or before the skin firming cream plus and eye contour cream plus.
Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex Features:
The seemingly miraculous active ingredient is pure hyaluronic acid—one of the most effective moisturizing agents ever discovered by medical science. Hydra 5 B-Complex utilizes natures own incredible moisturizer to improve the smoothness, suppleness and texture of your skin.
Identified biochemically as a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), hyaluronic acid was isolated about sixty years ago from vitreous humor. It’s name is derived from the Greek word for glass—hyalos—which accurately describes its transparent, glassy appearance.
The surface layers of the skin are supported from below by columns of fibers made up mostly of collagen and elastin. This network of fibers form the ‘molecular sponge’ known as connective tissue. The spaces within this sponge are filled with a composition of water, protein complexes and hyaluronic acid. This jelly-like complex is necessary for transportation of essential nutrients from the bloodstream, via the capillary network, to the living cells of the skin.
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in great abundance in young skin, synovial fluid and other tissues in humans and animals. Over time, oxy radicals, produced mostly through exposure to pollutants and sunlight, degrade and destroy hyaluronic acid. Fifty year olds are estimated to have less than half the hyaluronic acid they had in youth.
Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex contains genetically derived hyaluronic acid not an animal derived substance.
Contains pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5). Studies show that this vitamin helps speed wound healing.
Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex can be used by men and women including those with sensitive skin.
Oil-free, crystal clear gel which instantly gives your skin a silky smooth texture. Ideal for all skin types.
Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex Benefits:
Facilitates better absorption of vitamin C.
Supplements the skin’s natural biological replacement of hyaluronic acid.
Skin feels more resilient and extraordinarily smooth to the touch. Perfect base for all types of make-up.
Restores youthful translucency and buoyancy to the skin.
Smoother, more radiant looking skin will be noticed in 3 — 6 weeks.
Cellex-C Advanced C Serum
Cellex-C Advanced C Serum
水溶性VC精华 敏感肌可用
Cellex-C Hydra 5 B-Complex
Cellex-C Eye Contour Gel
Cellex-C High Potency Serum 2-Step Starter Kit
Cellex-C Advanced-C Skin Tightening Cream
Cellex-C Advanced C Serum
Cellex-C Age-Less 15 Young Eyes Contour Gel
Cellex-C Advanced C Skin Tightening Cream
Cellex-C Advanced-C Serum
High Potency Serum by Cellex-C for Unisex - 1 oz Serum

    Cellex-C | 仙丽施Cellex-C|Hydra 5 B-Complex

    Cellex-C | Cellex-C Hydra 5 B-Complex

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  • 说明
  • 描述
    Let your skin reap the benefits of hyaluronic acid which penetrates beneath the skin's surface for maximal moisturization. Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex is most effective when used after serum and eye contour gel, or before the skin firming cream plus and eye contour cream plus.
    Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex Features:
    The seemingly miraculous active ingredient is pure hyaluronic acid—one of the most effective moisturizing agents ever discovered by medical science. Hydra 5 B-Complex utilizes natures own incredible moisturizer to improve the smoothness, suppleness and texture of your skin.
    Identified biochemically as a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), hyaluronic acid was isolated about sixty years ago from vitreous humor. It’s name is derived from the Greek word for glass—hyalos—which accurately describes its transparent, glassy appearance.
    The surface layers of the skin are supported from below by columns of fibers made up mostly of collagen and elastin. This network of fibers form the ‘molecular sponge’ known as connective tissue. The spaces within this sponge are filled with a composition of water, protein complexes and hyaluronic acid. This jelly-like complex is necessary for transportation of essential nutrients from the bloodstream, via the capillary network, to the living cells of the skin.
    Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in great abundance in young skin, synovial fluid and other tissues in humans and animals. Over time, oxy radicals, produced mostly through exposure to pollutants and sunlight, degrade and destroy hyaluronic acid. Fifty year olds are estimated to have less than half the hyaluronic acid they had in youth.
    Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex contains genetically derived hyaluronic acid not an animal derived substance.
    Contains pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5). Studies show that this vitamin helps speed wound healing.
    Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex can be used by men and women including those with sensitive skin.
    Oil-free, crystal clear gel which instantly gives your skin a silky smooth texture. Ideal for all skin types.
    Cellex-C Hydra 5B Complex Benefits:
    Facilitates better absorption of vitamin C.
    Supplements the skin’s natural biological replacement of hyaluronic acid.
    Skin feels more resilient and extraordinarily smooth to the touch. Perfect base for all types of make-up.
    Restores youthful translucency and buoyancy to the skin.
    Smoother, more radiant looking skin will be noticed in 3 — 6 weeks.
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    仙丽施品牌, CELLEX-C仙丽施左旋维他命C为美国生化科技药厂原装进口,CELLEX-C仙丽施有高效左旋维他命C及水解离子化型左旋维他命C专利配方系列共两种左旋维他命C。仙丽施产品质量稳定且产品线丰富,左旋维他命C产品又分脸部、眼部、及身体三大部分。而其它保湿系列、维他命B、果酸系列亦颇受好评。CELLEX-C仙丽施为左旋维他命C代表性的品牌,称仙丽施为左旋维他命C之父亦不为过。
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