POC's Joint VPD Air Elbow Pads are built for cyclists who see protection as a back-up plan, not an inevitable go-to. They incorporate VPD padding, which may very well be POC's initialism for [High] Velocity Pedaling Demon. The pads don't weigh you down, so your pure XC and climbing speed won't be compromised, but they will catch you in case of a high-speed user error. A neoprene sleeve and hook-and-loop strap secure the pad while pedaling and under impact, so it won't be out of place when disaster comes courting.
Material: neoprene, VPD compound;
Closure: Crash Retetntion Strap (CRS);
Protection Area: elbow;
Certifications: EN 1621-1;
Manufacturer Warranty: 1 year;
storecredits: 0.0;