BIODERMA 贝德玛 赋妍滋养润肤霜 乳霜质地,强效保湿,对抗干燥,对皮炎、湿疹、过敏引起的炎症及干癣有很好的改善调理作用。温和配方,不含香料及防腐剂,敏感肌也可放心使用。维他命PP有效促进细胞间脂质的自我制造,提升肌肤自身保湿力。长效保湿,缓解并避免皮肤出现瘙痒、裂纹、湿疹及干燥症状。独有天然强肤因子专利,改善皮肤表面生态环境,从根本修护受损皮脂膜,抵抗外界不利因素的侵袭。 Catering specifically for dry, sensitive skin, the Bioderma Atoderm Cream softens and replenishes from top to toe. Lightweight and quick-absorbing, the creamy texture spreads easily on the face and body to nourish and strengthen the skin's barrier function for long-lasting comfort. Ideal for adults, children and babies. Fragrance-free.