柔滑肌肤,如婴儿肌肤般嫩滑新生。竹粉在祛除肌肤杂质和死皮细胞的同时,细滑软化肌肤:肌肤如婴儿肌肤般柔嫩,为后续护理做好了准备。帮助预防并减少皮肤干裂。肌肤更紧致,更有弹性,触感更柔软。 细嫩并柔化肌肤,促进肌肤更新,恢复肌肤紧致,减少皮肤干裂。
Exfoliating Body Scrub for Smooth Skin is an excellent first step in getting that firm, radiant-looking body. This body scrub exfoliates and moisturises using softening Natural Bamboo Powders and ginger, which rubs away flakes from the surface of the skin and impurities. Skin feels soft, supple, and sports a healthy glow. A feel-good, fresh start to the day and just the right preparation before applying make-up. Try it to discover how cleansed and replenished you can feel with a quality body scrub.