这是一个充满了馥郁的柑橘香气的古老日式花园。如此诗意的搭配灵感源自日本的古代皇城——江户。在这一旭日之国,柑橘家族中的小型果实柚子,因其略带辛香的清爽气息备受欢迎。以柚子为主调的香氛中还融入了覆盆子与百里香的果香,呈现出清冷优雅的独特芬芳。正如柚子带来如精致的日式料理般的香味,东京香氛为肌肤带去冰凉的清新感。适量喷洒于双手脉搏处及耳后。 This eau de toilette is named after the city of Edo, the former name of Tokyo, where very fresh scents, structured upon citrus fruit, such as yuzu (multifaceted cousin to the lime), were very much in demand. It recalls a citrus orchard on the shores of the Pacific. A fresh scent, yes, but also distinguished and joyous, warmed by sun-drenched thyme.