

Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装

商品Elizabeth Arden|Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装,价格¥1251,第1张图片详细描述
商品Elizabeth Arden|Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装,价格¥1251,第3张图片详细描述

内含:铂粹御肤前导洗颜乳 50ml+雅顿橘灿精华2.0 50ml+铂粹御肤眼部精华露 5ml+奇肌赋活精华液(小银蛋)5ml铂粹御肤前导洗颜乳 50ml:前导洗颜乳 持续呵护肌肤。清洁皮肤,使肌肤更加健康;清洁同时,保护肌肤免受环境侵袭;可卸除残妆,使肌肤更加洁净;使用铂粹御肤前导洗颜乳后可使后续精华吸收效果增加雅顿橘灿精华 2.0 50ml铂粹御肤眼部精华露 5ml:这款全效的眼部肌肤护理产品结合了艾地苯和艾色宁复合物,可同时给眼周肌肤抵抗环境氧化的保护,以及针对解决眼袋、黑眼圈、鱼尾纹和其它眼周肌肤问题,还可以持久滋润,使眼周肌肤紧致、细腻充满弹性,让眼部肌肤保持健康美丽的最佳状态。用这种抗老化的精华液保护眼部周围娇嫩的皮肤。独特的结合先进的idebenone技术与复杂的高度恢复性成分,帮助改变周围的皮肤的眼睛。保护眼睛周围娇嫩的皮肤,减少细纹、皱纹和鱼尾纹的出现,以达到最好的效果。奇肌赋活精华液(小银蛋)5ml:含有能够加强肌肤保护屏障的海茴香和亚麻籽精华;能够促进水孔通道的海蓬籽萃取物;还有能够优化肌肤表面的微环境,提升肌肤免疫力的益生菌复合成分。肌肤柔滑细腻,修护受损或有炎症的肌肤,肌肤更有光泽,肌肤感觉滋润、舒适,减少敏感肌肤的过敏现象。激发肌肤的修护和更新能力,增强肌肤的天然防御能力。

Set Contents: PREVAGE: Anti-aging Treatment Boosting Cleanser (50ml) A light-foaming cleansing cream that purifies and prepares skin to reap the maximum benefits from the following steps of your beauty regimen. PREVAGE: Anti-Aging Daily Serum 2.0 (50ml) A next-generation serum with 4x the antioxidant power of the original formula. Clinically-proven to improve the look of ageing skin, targeting concerns like elasticity loss, creases, pores and dark spots, and boost skin’s defences. PREVAGE: Anti-Aging Eye Serum (5ml) A powerful eye serum that targets dark circles and minimises the appearance of fine lines, crow\'s feet and uneven skin tone. Superstart Skin Renewal Booster (5ml) A best-selling serum that helps restore the healthy look of skin’s surface layer, fortifying its natural ability to repair and renew. When used in tandem with the PREVAGE system, this booster is proven to promote skin’s natural hydration, collagen and elastin.

Elizabeth Arden - Power in Numbers Prevage 2.0 Set (Worth £227)

Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装 商品

    Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装

    Elizabeth Arden - Power in Numbers Prevage 2.0 Set (Worth £227)

  • 价格¥1251$167.05
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    • 英国商家
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  • 说明
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
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  • 描述

    内含:铂粹御肤前导洗颜乳 50ml+雅顿橘灿精华2.0 50ml+铂粹御肤眼部精华露 5ml+奇肌赋活精华液(小银蛋)5ml铂粹御肤前导洗颜乳 50ml:前导洗颜乳 持续呵护肌肤。清洁皮肤,使肌肤更加健康;清洁同时,保护肌肤免受环境侵袭;可卸除残妆,使肌肤更加洁净;使用铂粹御肤前导洗颜乳后可使后续精华吸收效果增加雅顿橘灿精华 2.0 50ml铂粹御肤眼部精华露 5ml:这款全效的眼部肌肤护理产品结合了艾地苯和艾色宁复合物,可同时给眼周肌肤抵抗环境氧化的保护,以及针对解决眼袋、黑眼圈、鱼尾纹和其它眼周肌肤问题,还可以持久滋润,使眼周肌肤紧致、细腻充满弹性,让眼部肌肤保持健康美丽的最佳状态。用这种抗老化的精华液保护眼部周围娇嫩的皮肤。独特的结合先进的idebenone技术与复杂的高度恢复性成分,帮助改变周围的皮肤的眼睛。保护眼睛周围娇嫩的皮肤,减少细纹、皱纹和鱼尾纹的出现,以达到最好的效果。奇肌赋活精华液(小银蛋)5ml:含有能够加强肌肤保护屏障的海茴香和亚麻籽精华;能够促进水孔通道的海蓬籽萃取物;还有能够优化肌肤表面的微环境,提升肌肤免疫力的益生菌复合成分。肌肤柔滑细腻,修护受损或有炎症的肌肤,肌肤更有光泽,肌肤感觉滋润、舒适,减少敏感肌肤的过敏现象。激发肌肤的修护和更新能力,增强肌肤的天然防御能力。
    Set Contents: PREVAGE: Anti-aging Treatment Boosting Cleanser (50ml) A light-foaming cleansing cream that purifies and prepares skin to reap the maximum benefits from the following steps of your beauty regimen. PREVAGE: Anti-Aging Daily Serum 2.0 (50ml) A next-generation serum with 4x the antioxidant power of the original formula. Clinically-proven to improve the look of ageing skin, targeting concerns like elasticity loss, creases, pores and dark spots, and boost skin’s defences. PREVAGE: Anti-Aging Eye Serum (5ml) A powerful eye serum that targets dark circles and minimises the appearance of fine lines, crow\'s feet and uneven skin tone. Superstart Skin Renewal Booster (5ml) A best-selling serum that helps restore the healthy look of skin’s surface layer, fortifying its natural ability to repair and renew. When used in tandem with the PREVAGE system, this booster is proven to promote skin’s natural hydration, collagen and elastin.
    Elizabeth Arden - Power in Numbers Prevage 2.0 Set (Worth £227)

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    商品Elizabeth Arden|Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装,价格¥1251 描述
    商品Elizabeth Arden|Elizabeth Arden 雅顿 橘灿精华套装,价格¥1251 描述




