创新运用 LAMELLAR科技释放能让肌肤焕新加速的美肤因子,渐进式渗透,温和呵护。肌肤如同自带磨皮效果般润泽透亮、细致柔嫩。蕴含源自天然的法国乌埃尚岛黑蜂蜂蜜及蜂皇浆作为核心成分,为肌肤注入源源修护力。肌肤紧致有型,立体轮廓即现。 双效修护精华露满蕴法国乌埃尚岛纯净黑蜂蜂蜜和甄选蜂皇浆的自然活性,从源头焕活肌础,为肌肤倾注源源修护能量。肌肤在潜移默化中愈显紧致细腻,弹润透亮。 清新啫喱与轻薄乳液,双重质地,相得益彰,源源加「乘」,一抹沁融于肌。 Two nourishing formulas combined into a single, powerful treatment. The Guerlain Double R Renew & Repair Serum features the anti-ageing properties of Abeille Royal combined with a soft-peeling effect. First, a combination of Royal Jelly and Black Bee Honey gives the skin a lifting effect for a better-defined appearance. Second, the serum's formula encourages the renewal of the epidermis which encourages a better complexion without irritating the skin, enabling brighter and smoother skin. To use: Apply mornings and evenings to the cleansed face and neck, before your usual moisturiser. Awards Beauty Bible Awards: Silver Award 2020 Marie Claire’s Prix d’Excellence Beauty Awards Winner 2019