升级黑蜂修护科技 促进肌肤的信号传递,从根源直击肌肤问题,加快肌肤自我修护的步伐。9倍快修护”,复原元气肌。 成分升级 非凡修护 融蕴经典乌埃尚岛纯种黑蜂蜂蜜,和3种来自原生纯净岛屿的优质蜂蜜,及臻选蜂皇浆,蕴含多酚、维生素、微量元素、氨基酸等多种修护成分。强强联合,成就第三代黄金复原蜜。 各种蜂蜜均来自娇兰的独家采购渠道,确保了原料的质量和可追溯性。 The Advanced Youth Watery Oil is the fruit of more than 10 years of research dedicated to honey and its repairing powers. Highly effective, it allows the skin to repair itself 9 times faster*. Skin is visibly plumped-up, smoother and more radiant. From 8 hours, the skin fully recovers.