

La Mer | LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml

50 ml
商品La Mer|LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml,价格¥3718,第1张图片详细描述
商品La Mer|LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml,价格¥3718,第3张图片详细描述

内含核心成分: 神奇活性精萃 MIRACLE BROTH、海洋稳定酵素,海蓝之谜全新升级修护精华露高倍聚集神奇活性精萃 Miracle Broth,由内而外强健润泽,提高肌肤修护原力,抵御压力与环境等外界刺激,促进肌肤自然修护,维稳脆弱肌肤。

使用方法:取豌豆大小,打圈按摩全脸一到两分钟至吸收, 后续搭配海蓝之谜精华面霜系列,以获取更多滋养修护能量。

barrier serum to strengthen, stabilise and visibly soothe.

La Mer’s The Concentrate strengthens skin against daily irritants, such as pollution and micro-dust, that can lead to signs of premature aging. Skin appears stronger, visibly soothed and renewed.

Even in times of extreme stress from treatments like peels and lasers, The Concentrate helps boost skin’s barrier recovery. Concentrated Miracle Broth™ ensures an ideal state of rest and renewal, while reducing the appearance of visible signs of irritation.

Concentrate Miracle Broth™ - Using a unique cold-vacuum process, we crafted an ultra-potent form of our renewing Miracle Broth for three days and three nights to maximise potency. This powerhouse elixir helps calm the look of redness and other signs of irritation while energising renewal.

Lime Tea Concentrate - Our proprietary antioxidant powerhouse helps neutralise free radicals to help protect skin from environmental stress and pollution.

The Stabilizing Ferment - Born of a unique, stress-exposed marine powerhouse, this proprietary ferment is designed to help strengthen fragile, irritated skin, bringing it back to its centre of power.

barrier serum to strengthen, stabilise and visibly soothe. La Mer’s The Concentrate strengthens skin against daily irritants, such as pollution and micro-dust, that can lead to signs of premature aging. Skin appears stronger, visibly soothed and renewed. Even in times of extreme stress from treatments like peels and lasers, The Concentrate helps boost skin’s barrier recovery. Concentrated Miracle Broth™ ensures an ideal state of rest and renewal, while reducing the appearance of visible signs of irritation. Concentrate Miracle Broth™ - Using a unique cold-vacuum process, we crafted an ultra-potent form of our renewing Miracle Broth for three days and three nights to maximise potency. This powerhouse elixir helps calm the look of redness and other signs of irritation while energising renewal. Lime Tea Concentrate - Our proprietary antioxidant powerhouse helps neutralise free radicals to help protect skin from environmental stress and pollution. The Stabilizing Ferment - Born of a unique, stress-exposed marine powerhouse, this proprietary ferment is designed to help strengthen fragile, irritated skin, bringing it back to its centre of power.

La Mer - The Concentrate (50ml)

LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml 商品

    La Mer | LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml

    La Mer - The Concentrate (50ml)

  • 价格¥3718$498.44
  • 促销
  • 服务
    • 英国商家
    • 海关清关
    • 用户签收
  • 说明
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
    • 根据中国海关总署要求,您所购买的商品清关入境需要提供身份证信息进行入境申报,请您配合。我们不会向第三方泄露您的资料,请您放心
  • 描述

    内含核心成分: 神奇活性精萃 MIRACLE BROTH、海洋稳定酵素,海蓝之谜全新升级修护精华露高倍聚集神奇活性精萃 Miracle Broth,由内而外强健润泽,提高肌肤修护原力,抵御压力与环境等外界刺激,促进肌肤自然修护,维稳脆弱肌肤。
    使用方法:取豌豆大小,打圈按摩全脸一到两分钟至吸收, 后续搭配海蓝之谜精华面霜系列,以获取更多滋养修护能量。
    barrier serum to strengthen, stabilise and visibly soothe.
    La Mer’s The Concentrate strengthens skin against daily irritants, such as pollution and micro-dust, that can lead to signs of premature aging. Skin appears stronger, visibly soothed and renewed.
    Even in times of extreme stress from treatments like peels and lasers, The Concentrate helps boost skin’s barrier recovery. Concentrated Miracle Broth™ ensures an ideal state of rest and renewal, while reducing the appearance of visible signs of irritation.
    Concentrate Miracle Broth™ - Using a unique cold-vacuum process, we crafted an ultra-potent form of our renewing Miracle Broth for three days and three nights to maximise potency. This powerhouse elixir helps calm the look of redness and other signs of irritation while energising renewal.
    Lime Tea Concentrate - Our proprietary antioxidant powerhouse helps neutralise free radicals to help protect skin from environmental stress and pollution.
    The Stabilizing Ferment - Born of a unique, stress-exposed marine powerhouse, this proprietary ferment is designed to help strengthen fragile, irritated skin, bringing it back to its centre of power.
    barrier serum to strengthen, stabilise and visibly soothe. La Mer’s The Concentrate strengthens skin against daily irritants, such as pollution and micro-dust, that can lead to signs of premature aging. Skin appears stronger, visibly soothed and renewed. Even in times of extreme stress from treatments like peels and lasers, The Concentrate helps boost skin’s barrier recovery. Concentrated Miracle Broth™ ensures an ideal state of rest and renewal, while reducing the appearance of visible signs of irritation. Concentrate Miracle Broth™ - Using a unique cold-vacuum process, we crafted an ultra-potent form of our renewing Miracle Broth for three days and three nights to maximise potency. This powerhouse elixir helps calm the look of redness and other signs of irritation while energising renewal. Lime Tea Concentrate - Our proprietary antioxidant powerhouse helps neutralise free radicals to help protect skin from environmental stress and pollution. The Stabilizing Ferment - Born of a unique, stress-exposed marine powerhouse, this proprietary ferment is designed to help strengthen fragile, irritated skin, bringing it back to its centre of power.
    La Mer - The Concentrate (50ml)

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    50 ml
    商品La Mer|LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml,价格¥3718 描述
    商品La Mer|LaMer海蓝之谜 修护精华露 50ml,价格¥3718 描述




