

Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml

20 ml
商品Shiseido|Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml,价格¥934,第1张图片详细描述
商品Shiseido|Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml,价格¥934,第3张图片详细描述

功效资生堂33年专研A醇大佬,1周速褪10大顽固纹*高阶纯A醇,5倍*促胶原,3步直击顽固纹根源:• 促进肌肤更新,强角质不薄皮• 强韧「弹性纤维」,韧支撑不松垮• 激活「Ⅲ型胶原」,深填充不凹陷使用方法初次使用打开盖子,取下中间粉色圆环,逆时针旋转打开瓶盖。基本使用方法:1、 每天早晚,作为最后的护肤步骤使用。取一个珍珠粒(0.2g)大小量于指尖,采用8点「蝴蝶涂法」均匀点涂于眼底下方及面中部位,轻轻按摩直至吸收。2、 可搭配眼膜使用时,先用小针管,再用眼膜。3、 在日间使用时最好是搭配防晒品一起使用(防晒霜、隔离霜类商品)可以避光、让纯A醇发挥更好的抗皱效果。

Designed to target even the most pronounced visible signs of ageing, the Vital Perfection Intensive WrinkleSpot Treatment works to promote a more even and youthful-looking visage.Shiseido’s powerful dual-action treatment utilises breakthrough ReNeura Technology++, designed to address a growing concern among women in their 30’s that feel that their skin is becoming increasingly desensitised to skincare. The formula works to stimulate the skin’s senses receptors in order to improve sensory receptor signals, supporting the skin’s ability to transmit information. Inspired by Neuroscience research, the technology works to awaken the power of touch to boost the skin’s receptiveness to skincare products.The formula also utilises concentrated Retinol to smooth and resurface the complexion. Vitamin A improves the look of wrinkles by maintaining healthy skin turnover for youthfulness and radiance. A hydrating complex provides up to 48 hours of moisture, helping to keep skin plump and protected.Target even the deepest wrinkles and dark spots with this potent anti-ageing formula. The treatment helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, smile lines and dark spots to promote a more even visage.

Shiseido - Exclusive Vital Perfection Intensive WrinkleSpot Treatment (20ml)

Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml 商品

    Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml

    Shiseido - Exclusive Vital Perfection Intensive WrinkleSpot Treatment (20ml)

  • 价格¥934$124.79
  • 促销
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    • 英国商家
    • 海关清关
    • 用户签收
  • 说明
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
    • 根据中国海关总署要求,您所购买的商品清关入境需要提供身份证信息进行入境申报,请您配合。我们不会向第三方泄露您的资料,请您放心
  • 描述

    功效资生堂33年专研A醇大佬,1周速褪10大顽固纹*高阶纯A醇,5倍*促胶原,3步直击顽固纹根源:• 促进肌肤更新,强角质不薄皮• 强韧「弹性纤维」,韧支撑不松垮• 激活「Ⅲ型胶原」,深填充不凹陷使用方法初次使用打开盖子,取下中间粉色圆环,逆时针旋转打开瓶盖。基本使用方法:1、 每天早晚,作为最后的护肤步骤使用。取一个珍珠粒(0.2g)大小量于指尖,采用8点「蝴蝶涂法」均匀点涂于眼底下方及面中部位,轻轻按摩直至吸收。2、 可搭配眼膜使用时,先用小针管,再用眼膜。3、 在日间使用时最好是搭配防晒品一起使用(防晒霜、隔离霜类商品)可以避光、让纯A醇发挥更好的抗皱效果。
    Designed to target even the most pronounced visible signs of ageing, the Vital Perfection Intensive WrinkleSpot Treatment works to promote a more even and youthful-looking visage.Shiseido’s powerful dual-action treatment utilises breakthrough ReNeura Technology++, designed to address a growing concern among women in their 30’s that feel that their skin is becoming increasingly desensitised to skincare. The formula works to stimulate the skin’s senses receptors in order to improve sensory receptor signals, supporting the skin’s ability to transmit information. Inspired by Neuroscience research, the technology works to awaken the power of touch to boost the skin’s receptiveness to skincare products.The formula also utilises concentrated Retinol to smooth and resurface the complexion. Vitamin A improves the look of wrinkles by maintaining healthy skin turnover for youthfulness and radiance. A hydrating complex provides up to 48 hours of moisture, helping to keep skin plump and protected.Target even the deepest wrinkles and dark spots with this potent anti-ageing formula. The treatment helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, smile lines and dark spots to promote a more even visage.
    Shiseido - Exclusive Vital Perfection Intensive WrinkleSpot Treatment (20ml)

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    20 ml
    商品Shiseido|Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml,价格¥934 描述
    商品Shiseido|Shiseido 资生堂「小针管」眼霜 20ml,价格¥934 描述




