备受瞩目、畅销全球的 SK-II 护肤精华露(神仙水)蕴含超过90%的天然生物成分PITERA™,集维生素、矿物质和氨基酸等多种微量营养素于一身。能够改变你的肌肤,令肌肤变得晶莹剔透,嫩滑、紧致、焕发动人光彩。 PITERA是含有 50 多种微量营养素的生物成分,改善肌肤状态,保持其天然机能,令肌肤始终晶莹剔透。持续使用,肌肤保持嫩滑,抵御外界不利因素可能带来的暗淡、干燥和皱纹问题。神仙水超过 90% 的成分为 Pitera——这生物有效成分,蕴含 50 多种微量营养素 – 包含维他命、氨基酸、矿物质和有机酸等。Pitera™ 调节肌肤的天然机能,以类似天然锁水因子的成分滋养皮肤,令您拥有看起來更健康、更容光焕发的肌肤。
使用方法:用化妆棉蘸取适量 SK-II 护肤精华露(神仙水),用化妆棉轻轻抚拍面部和颈部约 1 分钟,将化妆棉翻过来,用另一面轻轻拍打面部、颈部和颈部下方,直至完全吸收。
While shopping for toners and cleansers, don\'t forget to try this exclusive new formula from SK-II. This lotion is a saviour for imbalanced complexion. The watery formula is loaded with SK-II\'s exclusive ingredient Pitera that is absorbed deep into the skin to firm, hydrate, and lift. An intensely restorative facial lotion, this miracle worker encourages cellular renewal to rejuvenate and refresh skin with exceptional hydration. You\'ll see your skin brighten, blemishes diminish, and skin tone become more unified. Essence from SK-II also hinders the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to reveal a smoother, supple, more youthful-looking countenance.
SK-II Facial Treatment Essence - 230ml