URBAN DECAY眼影产品粉质软糯细腻,显色度高,受到很多眼影玩家和专业美妆师的喜爱。 Reloaded 与Naked Cherry 还有 Born to Run 等暖色调不同,Reloaded 整体为中性的大地色调,以初代盘经典的咖啡、金棕色为主,不过也有少量Heat盘落日余晖暖棕色,12色中共有5个哑光色,3个金属色以及4个珠光色。综合了经典和热门,其中还有流行色活力珊瑚橘这样让人眼前一亮的颜色 A hot take on Urban Decay’s signature neutrals, the palette is perfect for lovers of subtle, natural makeup trends. Packed with 12 wearable tones, the smorgasbord ranges from chocolate brown to opulent rose gold, while shimmer shades allow you to experiment with wet-look aesthetics.