海鼠李萃取精华:含丰富维他命A, B1, B2, C, E 及强效抗氧化成份类黄碱素。更蕴含温和的果醇酸,能清除令肤色黯哑的枯死细胞,紧致肌肤,加强护肤品的渗透功能,使肌肤更为柔嫩光滑
提炼萃取自瑞士瓦莱洲山脉培植场,为肌肤提供丰富的维他命及抗氧成分,高效、迅速、持久保湿,更能去除囤积于肌肤表面的老化角质细胞,用后肌肤瞬间变得健康亮泽,使皮肤表层更加柔滑,补充水份同时,更让肌肤充氧及焕发光采。一个简单的步骤,让您的肌肤全天侯得以保持清爽和滋润,感觉心旷神怡 !
This moisturising precursor from Phyto-Alpine is an innovative, instant beauty formula that blends hydrating and softening properties into one fluid. A moisturising solution with an extremely light consistency, it contains, among other things, a purifying sea buckthorn extract that removes the dead cells that dull the complexion, resulting in a more refined complexion, facilitating the penetration of subsequent care products and instantly hydrating the epidermis, leaving the skin feeling soft and smooth. For a powerful primer with hydrating benefits, choose this high-quality formula from Valmont.
Valmont - Priming With A Hydrating Fluid (150ml)