深层洁净肌肤,绝不紧绷、干涩,吸取毛孔污垢及控制油脂分泌,令毛孔自由呼吸,恢复肌肤清爽、洁净及光泽。蕴含的天然矿物元素, 可吸取在肌肤表层引致面色暗哑的污垢,并温和调节皮脂产生,针对粗糙毛孔,舒缓因发炎而引致的红肿。蕴含的山楂及Bisabolo成分,有效深层清洁毛孔,同时可淡化脸上瑕疵,面膜令肌肤感觉柔软、洁净及舒适,让肌肤感觉清新,焕发光彩。是一种不易干硬的霜状面膜,可净化透气性差、毛孔阻塞的皮肤,并调节皮脂腺、吸收多于的皮脂。为肌肤提供深层洁净效果的面膜,绝不会引致肌肤感觉干燥。让肌肤感觉洁净、柔软及补湿。令肌肤散发健康光泽、感觉清新。软化及舒缓肌肤。产品经皮肤测试,绝不引致暗疮及粉刺。
This purifying mask purifies and clears the skin without dehydrating it, leaving it with a glowing complexion. When skin is susceptible to shine and blemishes, Purifying Pack delivers intense cleansing and a gentle balancing effect. This purifying mask blends absorbent mineral agents, bisabolol, and hawthorn to gently control sebum secretion, absorb impurities that darken the skin\'s surface, and cleanse, comfort and smooth the epidermis. Try this high-quality cream for clearer, deeply cleansed skin with a healthy flush.
Valmont - Purifying Pack (200ml)