抗皱必备的系列,柔滑质感,迅速渗透到肌肤深处,于肌肤底层发挥极致的抗皱功效。 为肌肤提供一个全面强效的抗皱方案,有效减退皮肤深度皱纹及细纹,是肌肤更加平滑细致,重现年轻光采。高效对抗面部及颈部的皱纹及细纹,为抗皱的必备佳品。新版配方能有效减退肌肤深度皱纹及细纹,同时赋予肌肤恒久的舒适感。
A superb cream that targets signs of ageing on the face and neck. The groundbreaking formula minimises fine lines and wrinkles from within, improving the appearance of deep-set wrinkles. Its firm but emollient texture delivers a long-term improvement in skin condition.Valmont V-Line Lifting Cream is a formula in the AWF5 range, containing five anti-ageing ingredients specifically designed to tackle 5 of the most challenging skin concerns manifested by ageing skin.Vitamin C - to boost elasticity and promote radiance;Fibro Boost - to enhance elastin and collagen;Densi-Derm - to plump up the upper dermis;Multiple peptides and other skin-active ingredients to encourage cellular renewal;GAGs - to increase hydration and keep dermal cells healthy.Give your face and neck the lift it needs.
Valmont - V-Line Lifting Cream (200ml)