


Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml

商品Valmont|Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml,价格¥2786,第1张图片详细描述
商品Valmont|Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml,价格¥2786,第3张图片详细描述

DNA及RNA浓度高出基础面霜的5倍,配高山有机植物,使用三天,毛孔明显收缩,一周后皮肤有明显的光泽度及紧致度,能对任何年龄、任何皮肤起到一个全方位的照顾。 采用瑞士Herens冰山海拔2000米未经污染的泉水、加拿大西岸野生三文鱼精子的HP DNA活细胞元素、与瑞士Valais有机种植园中提炼的三种植物精华结合。有助防止老化,有效改善肌肤色调及提升肌肤质地,不断补充水份。使肌肤年轻亮白,适合任何肌肤使用。为确保L’ELLXIR DES GLACIERS的超卓效用,必须于购买产品后两至三个月内连续使用。于早晚使用,日复日后,这质感细致,轻柔的乳霜,可谓肌肤带来神奇的紧致毛孔修护效果,让你呈现更娇柔的肌肤,感觉更柔滑紧致,展现动人亮泽,流露健康年轻的神采。涂用后肌肤感到极其柔软,湿润及回复光泽。日复一日,肌肤全面变得柔滑光亮;回复昔日紧致亮丽的健康色泽,动人神韵再次展现。 L'Elixir Des Glaciers Votre Visage is a unique blend enriched with special key ingredients: 20% glacier spring water, pure botanical extracts, and RNA (a molecule that functions as a strong cellular bioactivator). Triple DNA obtained from wild salmon milk in conjunction with three macro entities (sodium, calcium and magnesium) unleashes highly potent properties such as regeneration, cellular renewal, cell renewal and hydration. This rare recipe delivers the ultimate lifting experience for the skin. Day by day, this godsend, with its subtle, sensual and luxuriant creamy texture, delivers a fresher complexion and supple, firmer skin, better tone and a radiantly younger and healthier visage. To guarantee optimal purity and efficacy, the unique formulation of L "Exlir Des Glaciers Votre Visage is only manufactured in restricted quantities; each jar holds in a formula with the utmost freshness. L "Exlir Des Glaciers Votre Visage unveils a refreshed complexion and reveals the beauty, firmness and tone of the skin. Discover the rarest and best in ultra-quality skincare. Please note: this product comes without the box.

Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml 商品

    Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml

    Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml

  • 价格¥1672$224.02$559.39
  • 促销
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    • 英国商家
    • 海关清关
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  • 说明
    • 此商品不提供国内购物发票
    • 根据中国海关总署要求,您所购买的商品清关入境需要提供身份证信息进行入境申报,请您配合。我们不会向第三方泄露您的资料,请您放心
  • 描述

    DNA及RNA浓度高出基础面霜的5倍,配高山有机植物,使用三天,毛孔明显收缩,一周后皮肤有明显的光泽度及紧致度,能对任何年龄、任何皮肤起到一个全方位的照顾。 采用瑞士Herens冰山海拔2000米未经污染的泉水、加拿大西岸野生三文鱼精子的HP DNA活细胞元素、与瑞士Valais有机种植园中提炼的三种植物精华结合。有助防止老化,有效改善肌肤色调及提升肌肤质地,不断补充水份。使肌肤年轻亮白,适合任何肌肤使用。为确保L’ELLXIR DES GLACIERS的超卓效用,必须于购买产品后两至三个月内连续使用。于早晚使用,日复日后,这质感细致,轻柔的乳霜,可谓肌肤带来神奇的紧致毛孔修护效果,让你呈现更娇柔的肌肤,感觉更柔滑紧致,展现动人亮泽,流露健康年轻的神采。涂用后肌肤感到极其柔软,湿润及回复光泽。日复一日,肌肤全面变得柔滑光亮;回复昔日紧致亮丽的健康色泽,动人神韵再次展现。 L'Elixir Des Glaciers Votre Visage is a unique blend enriched with special key ingredients: 20% glacier spring water, pure botanical extracts, and RNA (a molecule that functions as a strong cellular bioactivator). Triple DNA obtained from wild salmon milk in conjunction with three macro entities (sodium, calcium and magnesium) unleashes highly potent properties such as regeneration, cellular renewal, cell renewal and hydration. This rare recipe delivers the ultimate lifting experience for the skin. Day by day, this godsend, with its subtle, sensual and luxuriant creamy texture, delivers a fresher complexion and supple, firmer skin, better tone and a radiantly younger and healthier visage. To guarantee optimal purity and efficacy, the unique formulation of L "Exlir Des Glaciers Votre Visage is only manufactured in restricted quantities; each jar holds in a formula with the utmost freshness. L "Exlir Des Glaciers Votre Visage unveils a refreshed complexion and reveals the beauty, firmness and tone of the skin. Discover the rarest and best in ultra-quality skincare. Please note: this product comes without the box.

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    商品Valmont|Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml,价格¥2786 描述
    商品Valmont|Valmont 法尔曼 冰凝金装面霜 Unboxed - 50ml,价格¥2786 描述




